
Showing posts from April, 2016

Field Day Information

Get excited for   ** FIELD DAY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ** Field Day is quickly approaching and we need lots of enthusiastic volunteers to help run stations.   Field Day is Friday, May 13 . Volunteers can sign up ahead of time using Sign-up Genius or sign-up for a station the morning of Field Day.  All volunteers should report to the gym at 8am; stations begin at 8:30am and finish at 12 noon. We look forward to seeing you and your help is greatly appreciated!   Thank you! Coach Little & Ms. Liz Field Day Station Descriptions K-1 Stations 2-3 Stations 4-5 Stations Field Day Schedules **Be sure to click on the correct grade level (K-1, 2-3, 4-5) when looking at the schedule; grade levels are noted at the bottom. K-5 Schedules SignUp Genius

Field Day T-shirts!

Field Day is  Friday, May 13th ! Order your t-shirt now !  All money and forms are due NEXT  Friday, April 22 .  T-shirts are $10 and color choices are Royal Blue, Sky Blue, Charcoal Grey, and Hot Pink. Click here for the  Field Day Shirt Order Form