Spaceship Tag & Teamwork!

Recently in PE....
In K-2 we have been learning about personal space and boundaries.  The students always love playing Spaceship Tag, which helps them practice keeping personal space while moving around the gym.

In 3-5 we have been learning about teamwork, communication, and cooperation.  It is important to be able to work well with others and encourage each other while working toward a goal.  The students had a blast working together playing Foam Ball Passover.  Each team had to pass the ball using only their feet and move the ball from one end line to the other.  If the ball is dropped at any time, the team has to go back and start over.

The students did a great job problem solving and using strategy while playing Shipwreck. Each team of students had to work together to move their ship from the starting line to the finish line. On the signal "go" each team would speedwalk while holding their ship and try to progress toward the finish line.  When they heard the word "Shipwreck" each group had to quickly drop their hula hoop and get all team members inside the hoop and be silent. The first 2 groups to do "Shipwreck" correctly and quietly stayed in their current position while the rest of the groups were sent back to the starting line.  Shipwreck works on perseverance and being a good sport.  Many times a team would be sent back to the starting line, but they would never give up because they just might win! 


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