I have some awesome news to share!  We now have Pedometers in PE! 
Since STEAM is a school-wide project we are always looking for ways to incorporate more technology in PE. We thought using pedometers is a great STEP in the right direction. :)

We collaborated with Mrs. Hunt's 5th grade class; the students wrote persuasive letters to our Partners in Education asking if they wanted to donate money to purchase pedometers for PE.  We have great support from our Partners in Education and received enough donations to purchase 60 pedometers! 

Recently in PE in grades 3, 4, and 5 we have worn the pedometers during a variety of games. Students made predictions of how many steps they thought they would get while playing a game and then we recorded their actual steps and compared the two numbers. Next, we plan to use math skills to find the mean of the step totals.

One of the games we played was Cardio Cards.  In order to earn a trip to the middle to check 2 cards, girls had to do either 20 jump ropes or ski jumps and boys had to jog one lap around the gym.  We plan to compare the mean of boys and girls' steps during the game and see which group had the most steps.


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