
Showing posts from September, 2015

Mustang Trotters

Get excited for Mustang Trotters! CFES Walking/Running Club Objective : To develop a healthy lifestyle and have fun! Dates : Meets on Tuesday Oct. 6, Oct. 13, Oct. 20, Oct. 27, Nov. 3, Nov. 10 Time : After school until 3:30 pm Eligibility : This club is open to CFES students in Grades 3, 4, & 5. Interested parents and CFES faculty are also welcome to join. Recommended Attire : Appropriate dress for outdoor walking and jogging. Incentives : Golden Horseshoe Award, Fitness Feet, and T-shirt Cost : $20.00, cash or check made out to CFES due at sign-up * Please complete the permission slip below and return it to Coach Little by Friday, October 2nd. Homeroom Teacher_____________________ Grade_____ T-shirt size _______Youth or Adult My child,__________________________, has permission to stay after school from 2:30 – 3:30 to be a participant of the Mustang Trotters. I agree to pick up my child as a car rider at 3:30 pm at the CFES Gym or my c...

Fun times in PE!

In grades K-2 we have been learning about moving our bodies in different pathways (winding, zigzag, straight), at different levels (low, medium, high), using different locomotor skills (skipping, galloping, sliding), and in different directions (forward, backward, sideways). The students love traveling through the obstacle course, which combines all the skills and movements we have been discussing. The climbing wall is always a favorite for the students.  We have been discussing how the climbing wall builds strong muscles. In grades 3-5, we have been practicing teamwork and discussing communication and cooperation. The students are playing Gatorball, which is a game where each team has to work together to move the gatorball across the court in order to score a goal.

Mustang Trotters

Mustang Trotters begins in October and meets on Tuesday afternoons.  Be on the lookout for more info in Friday Folders at the end of September.