Mustang Trotters

Get excited for Mustang Trotters!
Image result for clipart kids running
CFES Walking/Running Club

Objective: To develop a healthy lifestyle and have fun!

Dates: Meets on Tuesday Oct. 6, Oct. 13, Oct. 20, Oct. 27, Nov. 3, Nov. 10

Time: After school until 3:30 pm

Eligibility: This club is open to CFES students in Grades 3, 4, & 5. Interested parents and CFES faculty are also welcome to join.

Recommended Attire: Appropriate dress for outdoor walking and jogging.

Incentives: Golden Horseshoe Award, Fitness Feet, and T-shirt

Cost: $20.00, cash or check made out to CFES due at sign-up

*Please complete the permission slip below and return it to Coach Little by Friday, October 2nd.

Homeroom Teacher_____________________ Grade_____ T-shirt size _______Youth or Adult

My child,__________________________, has permission to stay after school from 2:30 – 3:30 to be a participant of the Mustang Trotters. I agree to pick up my child as a car rider at 3:30 pm at the CFES Gym or my child will be riding home with________________________.

Parent/Guardian signature_____________________________

Parent email________________________________________

Contact Phone number_______________________________


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